Simplify Your App by Using the PubSub Pattern, Part 1 Intro to PubSub Using Python and Redis

note 1 Due to the complexity of the topic of PubSub and its implementation, this tutorial will be a multi-part series of articles.
note 2 We’ll use technologies like Python and Redis, but everything discussed here is actually technology agnostic.
In this article, we will

  • learn about the publ-sub architecture
  • discuss why and when it is useful
  • solve a common challenge using pub-sub
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Although only 60{596ebfe1198cd2c3b2ddb49d218013256e0c1a3f6751c624cd5f4f82e36af846} of Turks regularly use the internet, the average speed of mobile connection in Turkey is faster than in the USA, Hong Kong or Singapore.

Geographically, culturally and politically located at the meeting point of Europe and Asia, with 80.02 million inhabitants, Turkey is one of the largest markets in the region in terms of population. As much as 20{596ebfe1198cd2c3b2ddb49d218013256e0c1a3f6751c624cd5f4f82e36af846} of Turkey’s population resides in Istanbul, which is classified as the most densely populated European city.

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startupStartup Session – a series of training courses for leaders in innovation and young entrepreneurs – aims to provide practical knowledge on how to build business ventures. The programme includes, among others, training workshops on financing of projects, design thinking, customer development, marketing and PR for startups, as well as e-commerce.

The project’s initiators are the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and To Reforge, a Polish company builder.

– Our objective is to create business communities through education – explains Albert Tomaszewski, coordinator of the project on behalf of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer. – We are keen for students to graduate from their alma maters knowing the current trends in the world of startups and being aware of ways in which they can finance and efficiently manage their own businesses.

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Start-up market: Mexico

Mexico is the fastest growing internet economy in Central and South America. The popularity of the mobile internet and the reach of social media, which covers almost the entire population of Mexico, make this country particularly attractive for new businesses and start-ups.


In Latin America, access to the internet was initially perceived as luxury for young affluent office workers; however, this is no longer the case. Today’s indicators show that a large and dynamically growing group of internet users are housewives, who have abandoned watching soap operas on traditional television channels and progressed to watching VOD material and visiting social media. What is interesting, the national trends linked to internet use are set by Mexican Millennials. This extensive group (people born between 1981 and 2000) comprises one-third of the population of the country and 60{596ebfe1198cd2c3b2ddb49d218013256e0c1a3f6751c624cd5f4f82e36af846} of active internet users.

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Start-up market: Indonesia

Indonesia is the first in the authorial series of To Reforge iconographies dedicated to global markets. They are to provide in a nutshell the most important information about the internet in the region.


Indonesia is an island nation located across 17,508 islands and undoubtedly one of the most attractive markets in South-East Asia. With over 250 million people, Indonesia is the largest country in the region, the fourth most populous country in the world after China, India and the US, and 14th in regard to its surface area.

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Launch of Concept Hub – a new programme of the polish “company builder” To_Reforge

Teams which contact Concept Hub are provided with the assistance of experts specialising in different fields, who carry out, among others, a professional analysis of the business concept and run consumer tests, as well as prepare the project for growth on the global market. Participation in the programme is free of charge. The best projects can strive towards further development as part of the To Reforge company, which develops businesses in 26 countries of the world.


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How to rear a unicorn in Poland? The art of creating start-up companies

Some are on a quest for a unicorn, some copy successful ideas or headhunt the best people in the market. It certainly is useful to be acquainted with the three philosophies of building start-ups, which have been tried and tested in the West; however, it should be remembered that a company is created with other people, for the people and thanks to these people.

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Telemedicine as an opportunity for polish start-ups and the health service

Telemedicine, or the provision of remote medical services using modern technology is a hot topic at present. In the face of ageing societies and still unresolved problems linked to enormous queues to medical specialists, telemedicine has the opportunity to change the healthcare market.

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Company builders, or innovation factories

An increasing number of young entrepreneurs, instead of joining an investment fund, contact company builders – experienced company creators which help develop start-up ventures. This phenomenon originates from Silicon Valley, and for some time now it has also been developing in Poland.

To put it simply, company builders are companies building other companies. They are also known as venture builders or start-up builders. Although there are some subtle differences – some invest resources only in their own ideas, while others encourage external initiators to participate in building business ventures together – for the most part, the objective is the same: creation of viable enterprises to provide financing for other business ideas to come.

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How to attract young employees to a new company?

Solid employment in a corporation or a new company with developmental potential? Do start-ups have a chance of winning with corporations in the race for the best employees?

Ewa was employed by one of the largest media companies in Poland – she had good earnings and company benefits. She knew what was expected of her. Ewa worked from 9 to 5 (at least theoretically), and every day arrived punctually at a modern office building located in the business district of Warsaw. However, after some time she became tired of the inflexibility of her position and this predictability began to wear her down…

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